I apologize I have been hurt in terrible car accident since June and I will not be selling anything until my broken leg is healed. I will not have sales until 2025 because I have been trying to have partner and no one is what I need to help me. I will be concentrating on creating new games and expansions. In 2025 will spend my time on sales and marketing, I am currently working on role-playing game which is massive undertaking because it is something I think no one has done. Some younger college persons are helping me. This fall most are leaving the state to go to their colleges. None want to be a partner, but they like to see this role-playing game to be completed. I thank them for their help. They want me to give part of the profits for certain organizations we both agree on. The new products will be great and take care
There will be changes to this site and items for sale soon. Take care and stay healthy
This is not a real weapons site, it is a board game company for those are misunderstand the name of the company and those are in government. Or is it just a game company, only kidding, maybe. Have fun buy a game and support my local community and it is all printed in United States of America. I only sell my game and no other game systems. Thank you

stop human trafficking and be the solution, not the problem.
Next couple weeks there will be some changes to this web site, so come back and check it out. The company is going through a re-structure that will take all 2025. This re-structure is to remove anything that does not sell or no interest in by customers. Also new products will be introduced for sale and many others in the works. I like to thank all gamers who helped me in the past and now are helping me for the new future look and new product line. Take care
Wsalem Weapons Bureau is LLC Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved